Los servicios de MiCrédito Generan Lealtad en Sus Prestatarios Escrito – por Francis Yasmín Soza Huete
Francis Yasmin Soza Huete es la Representante de Envest en América Latina desde el 2007. Ella facilita las comunicaciones y realiza visitas a los soc...
MiCrédito’s Services Generate Loyalty In Its Borrowers – By Francis Yasmín Soza Huete
Francis Yasmin Soza Huete has been the Envest Latin America Representative since 2007. She facilitates communications and conducts visit...
Rural Finance Initiative Uganda
Rural Finance Initiative Uganda Limited (RUFI) was created by RUFI South Sudan, a non-deposit-taking MFI founded in 2008. During the civil war, many o...
Meet Our Newest Board Member: Iyassu Essayas
Iyassu Essayas is the CEO and Founder of Inflows, a professional networking platform designed exclusively for Registered Investment Advisors. Iyassu b...
Gender Equity Is Advanced by Our MFI Partner in Uganda (by Annette Ecila)
My country, Uganda, is often referred to as the “Pearl of Africa” due to its remarkable natural beauty, diverse landscapes, and rich cultural heri...
John Giegel – a Valuable Mentor and Board Member (by Jon Bishop)
I first met John Giegel in 2007 when he visited Envest’s table at a progressive fair in Baraboo, Wisconsin. Envest appealed to his sense of using ma...
Envest Makes Its First Investment in Ugandan Mobile Money Organization – by Laura Dreese
On March 19, 2024 Envest Plus, the sister fund of Envest Microfinance Fund, made its debut investment in an inspiring financial inclusion organ...
Investor Spotlight: Sylvia Panek
A child of Polish immigrants who sought asylum in the US, Sylvia Panek was born and raised in Chicago. Although her early childhood was spent i...