Introducing Envest Plus


Envest Plus is a sister fund to the original Envest Microfinance Fund. For over 15 years Envest has helped people in low-income countries achieve financial independence and be part of a socially just and environmentally sustainable world economy.


By launching Envest Plus in October 2023, we are able to increase the number of people who will have access to financial resources by offering new products that our MFI partners have been requesting, such as loans in local currency.


Whether you are a financial advisor, an individual investor, or a representative of an institution, your investment can make a difference in building an inclusive and sustainable economy for everyone.

Watch this video of Laura Dreese, Director of Strategy, discussing the new Envest Plus fund.


Global Impact

Young people in Uganda, and especially women, face great difficulty in finding employment that offers learning opportunities and a path to independence.


Naomi (far right) strives to make more of these opportunities available for the young women in her community. Naomi owns a tailoring shop in Western Uganda where she sews women’s and children’s clothing. Thanks to a loan from her local microfinance institution, Kigarama, an Envest partner, Naomi was able to purchase additional sewing machines for her business. Now Naomi is teaching teenagers, including school dropouts, how to sew and earn an independent income.

At the average loan size of $700 an investment of $50,000 could provide a loan to 70 people like Naomi. Your investment in microfinance can offer women like Naomi a chance to build a stronger, more equitable community.

Investment Opportunities

Private Equity Offering               Private Debt Offering
Availability Accredited investors* Accredited investors*
Minimum Commitment 5 years 5 years
Funding structure Ownership interest Senior notes
Minimum Investment

$50,000 in conjunction with 

senior notes

$50,000 in conjunction with ownership interests
Return Profit is accrued to the owners’ capital accounts pro rata of participation Biannual interest payments on January 1 and July 1 of each year followed by lump sum principal payment at maturity
Targeted Return/ Annual Coupon 5-6% 4% fixed


*According to SEC an accredited investor is an individual who has a net worth of over US$1 million (excluding primary residence), or an annual income of over US$200,000.

Reach Out

To learn more about how you can make a global impact with Envest Microfinance please contact us at