Introducing Envest Plus

We are excited to announce that on October 1, 2023, we will be launching a new investment fund called Envest Plus. This year Envest Microfinance Fund has reached over $10 milion in portfolio. By launching Envest Plus, we will be able to offer new products that will increase the number of people who will have access to financial resources. Financial advisors, individual investors, and representatives of institutions can all make investments in Envest Plus.
Watch this video of Laura Dreese, Director of Strategy, discussing the new Envest Plus fund

Put Your Money To Good Work

Young people in Uganda, and especially women, face great difficulty in finding employment that offers learning opportunities and a path to independence.

Naomi (far right) strives to make more of these opportunities available for the young women in her community. Naomi owns a tailoring shop in Western Uganda where she sews women’s and children’s clothing. Thanks to a loan from her local microfinance institution, Kigarama Farmers SACCO, an Envest partner, Naomi was able to purchase additional sewing machines for her business. Now Naomi is teaching teenagers, including school dropouts, how to sew and earn an independent income.

At the average loan size of $700 an investment of $50,000 could provide loans to 70 people like Naomi.  An investment in microfinance is a chance to build stronger, more equitable communities. Contact us to learn more about our investment opportunities.

Annual Meeting

You are invited to participate in Envest Microfinance Cooperative's Annual Meeting.

You will hear more about Envest Plus, our team member travels to Africa, and other Envest updates. The meeting is open to everyone.

Register here to join us via Zoom on Thursday, September 28, from 7:00-8:00pm CDT.

Envest Logo Story

In 2006, Julia Glad Pooler, who was interning with Envest and now serves on the Advisory Board, came up with a logo idea during a flight to a sustainable investing conference. The three stacked lines point to our commitment to the triple bottom line:  environmental health, social well-being, and good corporate governance. A rising sun over the mountain is a symbol of hope and our vision of an inclusive and sustainable world.

Photo: Envest is using the logo at conferences on banners and table covers

Global Impact

Envest's careful selection and vetting of our microfinance partners has allowed for a diverse portfolio with investments in countries where there is great need  - see graphic below. For about half of our partners Envest was the first foreign creditor to provide them with an investment that supplied the much-needed infusion of cash in the local communities.
Copyright © 2023 Envest Microfinance, All rights reserved.

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